Friday, July 13, 2007

friday 13th

lols.veri long neva update blog le worx.quite busy nn lazy recently.
lols.dar wan miie update.den updaate lorx.hahax. up neva go kbox lorx.lols
den end up go shop shop fer presents.hehex.
dun tell euu hu e lehx.bleahx!.lols.-im crazy again!hehex!.
haha.cant realli find things tu buy but after shoppin fer so long.
finalli found.lols!think he'll like it.haha.
rite dar?lols!
den went tu dar dar hse.
wrap presents lorx.hehex.we hab spend sum tym thinkin ob wad tu rite in tat card ya?.
haha.yup.spend 1 hour plux in dar'z hse.den he send miie home lorx.
he made miie angry.but now ish okie le.everithing got back tu normal^^
hehex.dar dun worrie.realli nvm le.jux no more next tym!k.lurve ya.muackz.
den msg dar.until nite.sumthing ish borderin ah yee.den miie mama nn ah yee
conference nn chat lorx.hope she's okie now.we hab galz talk until 12 plux.hahax.
den msg dar nn den go fer sleep.hehex. stomach nort feelin well.realli pain till cant wake up tiz mornin.
cant wake up nn cant sleep too.
until moi dad gib miie medicine tu relieve pain.
den i able tu go sleep sia.haix.dunno wad happen also.
slept till 14 00.lols!long tym neva sleep so long le.lols.
den ah yee ben lai wan miie mit her e.end up pang sehx miie go ps liao.
miie diao lorx.den saw one egg otw.den she pei miie go dar dar take e prepaid card.
lols.yeahx!gort more msg to sent liao!hehex!
thx dar dar,lurve ya lotz n lotz.
but onli mie awhile onli.haix.mizz ya.
den after shop wit one egg.7 plux den go home.
den chit chat wit dar on fone lorx.hehex.
den watch xing yun xin.hehex.nice nice nice!!!!!
kekex.den continue chit chat wit dar dar.
but becoz nid do moi stuffs.quite a while den msg dar.
do homewerk until 12 30 den sleep!cant believe it bahx!i'll do homewerk!lols!!
den dar earli punch out le.den sleep almost e same tym as miie i guess.hehex.
mit in lala~land.lols!!

mm.quite a stuffy dae.nort realli good.
everione seems tu b veri oody todae.
becoz ish 13th e fri.omg!!ah huang veri suay.
hp kanna confiscated by L*3.
den mrs lam alwayz zhen dui her.todae e 13th fri ish bad luck fer her.
xiao wan zi also.kanna call in detension wit ah huang.
haix.wad a bad dae.
den ytd neva cum sch.cant believe tat so mani things happen.
dey tell miie ytd all e wu liao ppl sayin things again can~
childish act or wadd?.wad we did?
we didnt even sae bout dem can.dey alwayz wanna start it~
nn dunno wad 'z on deir mind also.
izzit jux wanna get us into trouble den happie?or wad?.~
wadeva.i dun wan tu care anm.waste moi energy nn tym onli~
i've already tried moi best to avoid arguments.think i've done moi part.
but if tiz continues.i dun think ish fair tu moi pals.
sorrie galfrenx.get euu all into it.dui bu qi.
thz ppl jux TIFG?or wad?wth~

todae earli release. den go home lorx.
wanna sleep le.lols.

todae neva mit him.felt so bad.haix.
dunno wanna mit him ma.but veri tired~
lols.c first bahx.take a quick nap first!hehex!!Zzz~

*The world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love.
We can never really love anybody with whom we never laugh.
Love is in the giver, not the gift.
*Where there is great love there are always miracles.
*The secret of love is seeking variety in your life together, and never letting routine chords dull the melody of your romance.

xiaoyann lub xiaoqiangg_

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